Our material reports, ratings, and positions

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We are serious about our commitments and hold ourselves accountable for our progress towards our goals and commitments. We remain committed to continuously strengthening what we measure and disclose in line with evolving expectations and regulation and in conversation with key stakeholders.

Measuring and reporting on our progress

At the Adecco Group, we have a long-standing commitment to reporting on our progress, demonstrating how we contribute towards creating more prosperous, fulfilled societies and a more sustainable relationship with our planet.

Non-financial reporting is a fast-evolving field to make information more accessible and comparable to stakeholders. We are committed to continuously enhancing what we measure and disclose and how, in line with and in anticipation of regulatory developments. We will regularly consider international frameworks and standards, and request feedback from shareholders and stakeholders to ensure our
approach is effective

We also benchmark our performance through external ratings and indices such as EcoVadis, Sustainalytics, or CDP.

Position papers and key publications

We enable millions of careers every year. This provides us with unique access to and understanding of the world of work, the labour markets both locally and globally, and related topics. It is our ambition to use this deep market expertise and these unique insights to guide public, private and social sectors on the future of work, and the challenges associated with it. To find long-term, sustainable solutions, we need to engage in open, constructive discussions and be transparent about our views.

The following provides a selection of position papers and recent publications on key issues around three crucial topics: the New World of Work, Employability & Skills, and the Regulatory Framework.

The New World of Work: