Workforce Transformation
Adecco commits to fight against youth unemployment, joining Nestlé Alliance for Youth
The global leader in HR solutions will share its labour market expertise and provide job placements to tackle youth unemployment.
June 23, 2014

The global leader in HR solutions will share its labour market expertise and provide job placements to tackle youth unemployment

Lisbon, June 23, 2014. Adecco Group confirmed its commitment to the Nestlé Alliance for YOUth programme today in Lisbon. The Alliance aims to bring together private companies, alongside European institutions and national governments, in the fight against youth unemployment. As the world leader in Human Resources solutions, Adecco will contribute its labour market expertise and help young people to develop the skills they need to succeed.

Today Adecco, Nestlé and thirteen other global partners convened in Lisbon to mark another milestone for the Nestlé Alliance for YOUth programme.

Political leaders including President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, Prime Minister of Portugal Pedro Passos Coelho and Deputy Prime Minister of Portugal Paulo Portas were present as the partners, including industry leaders such as Google, Facebook, Axa, Twitter and Salesforce, signed up to the European Alliance for Apprenticeships.

Youth unemployment is one of the biggest problems of our times. Today 23.5% of 15- to 24-year-olds are out of work across Europe. The youth jobless rate stands at 56.9% in Greece, 53.5% in Spain, 43.3% in Italy and 36.1% in Portugal [1] . The Alliance for YOUth movement illustrates the need for the public and private sectors to join forces to turn a ‘lost generation’ into a loved generation.

Patrick De Maeseneire, CEO of Adecco Group, said:

“We as Adecco are proud to be part in this movement initiated by Nestlé. Young people are unlikely to succeed without that all-important first job and work experience. Within the Alliance for YOUth, we will play a key role by providing educational material, training, job experience, as well as career guidance, this to build a programme aimed at preparing young people for the world of work”.

[1] Eurostat, June 2014.