Klaus J. Jacobs and Philippe Foriel-Destezet Reaffirm their commitment to Adecco after Expiration of their Shareholders' Agreement
Chéserex, Zurich, Luxembourg, 22 March 2002
At the creation of Adecco following the merger of Adia and Ecco in 1996, Jacobs AG and Akila Finance S.A. entered a shareholders' agreement. The two major shareholders, Jacobs AG and Akila Finance S.A. announced today that this agreement will not be renewed and will therefore expire on 8 May 2002, as originally stated.
Klaus J. Jacobs retires from the Board of Directors at Adecco's AGM on 17 April 2002 and the Chairmanship is handed over to John Bowmer.
The two major shareholders confirm their continuing commitment and interest in a strong Adecco shareholding. This commitment is demonstrated by the replacement of Klaus J. Jacobs on the Board by Christian Jacobs, and the continued Board membership of Philippe Foriel-Destezet.
For further information and comments, please call:
at Adecco management & consulting SA:
Adecco Group Corporate Communications; Chris King
Tel: +41 1 878 88 38
Adecco Group Investor Relations; Helena Rasetti
Tel: +41 1 878 88 84
at Jacobs AG: E-mails to info@jacobsag.ch
at Akila Finance SA: E-mails to info@akilafinance.ch