10 Fast-Growing Tech Jobs of the Future

fastest growing tech jobs of the future
We are engaging in new and increasingly sophisticated technologies at an unprecedented pace—expanding how technology intersects with our lives and businesses and making way for exciting and high-growth career opportunities.
November 17, 2022
Future of Skills
It has never been a better time to consider a career in tech. The pandemic sped up a general familiarity and acceptance of new technologies that helped us work and interact virtually. But the rapid pace at which technologies, including AI and VR, will merge with our everyday lives in the near future will bring even more changes to how we live—and what careers we pursue. The fastest-growing tech jobs of the future will no doubt require in-demand skills.

Which tech field is best for the future? Here are ten of the fastest-growing tech jobs for 2025, and the IT skills to grow and develop to secure a successful future in tech.

Which tech field is best for the future? Here are ten of the fastest-growing tech jobs for 2025, and the IT skills to grow and develop to secure a successful future in tech.

Virtual Reality Developer

The future of tech (and the future of how we will live, work, and interact) will be increasingly virtual. So, it’s no surprise that the need for talent to create believable, engaging digital worlds that people won’t mind sporting a VR headset to experience will be enormous.

Highly skilled IT professionals who can build 3D environments and objects (office spaces, museums, concert arenas—you name it), develop interactive experiences, and design interfaces will be in high demand. In general, the job outlook for web developers and digital designers will increase by 22 percent in the coming years—far higher growth than other occupations.

Security Engineer

As we move to an increasingly digital world, security will be of paramount concern to keep data safe. A security engineer develops systems that keep computer networks safe from intruders and threats. The job requires a high-level of sophisticated skills in programming, operating systems, and math, as well as communication, problem-solving, and quick-response skills.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a 33% growth for information security analysts—who perform similar though not identical tasks as security engineers—between 2020-2030, which much higher than the average 8% growth rate for other jobs.

UX Designer

Sometimes confused with user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX) design entails a more holistic, complex understanding of how users of products or services interact with them and at what various touchpoints this interaction occurs. Having strong creative, technical, and problem-solving skills is key, as well as the ability to draw conclusions from user research and workflow analysis.

Savvy UX designers can have a large impact on revenue and business goal achievement, making this a profession the business world increasingly understands and is willing to invest in, and one that has seen continuing growth.

Chief Digital Officer

This relatively new C-level leadership role will play a key role in helping businesses and organizations use digital information and new technologies—including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, IoT, and the cloud—to create and grow value. The role will also be crucial for traditional businesses tasked to integrate the technologies and processes into their existing workflow, products, roles of team members, and general corporate culture to remain competitive.

While a CDO need not necessarily possess a deep knowledge of technology, tech skills are a must, and understanding how to drive value using digital technologies is crucial, as well as business and marketing knowledge. And although digital transformation in companies will become less necessary over time as companies complete this shift, for now managing digital transformations is a big part of the job, and entails strong influencing, collaboration, and communication skills.

Data Scientists

A data scientist draws conclusions from data using analytical tools and techniques. They generally are employed by businesses to manage and analyze large amounts of unstructured data, to arrive at meaningful insights. The career outlook for data scientists is quite strong, according to predictions from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

With a growth projection of 36 percent between 2021 and 2031, data science has a strong future and is a top tech career now and in the future. Data scientists typically have an educational background in mathematics, statistics, or computer science, and some organizations seek candidates who hold a PhD in one of these fields.

Artificial Intelligence Developer

The role of the AI developer is probably fairly obvious: designing, developing, implementing, and monitoring AI systems. AI developers typically build their systems using programming languages such as Java and Python, and other tools including profiling and analytic tools, deep learning libraries, and cloud platforms.

Businesses use the data resulting from these systems to better understand the behaviors and needs of customers in order to grow revenue. Given the rapid growth and of AI and its future predicted applications across every sector and business, AI developers will be in high demand. The AI software market grew 54 percent in 2022 and is projected to gro2 40 percent by 2023.

Cybersecurity specialist

Similar to security engineers, cybersecurity specialists work to ensure the networks are protected from external threats (such as by a hacker), including troubleshooting, maintaining, and updating security systems. They also monitor networks and provide security solutions.

Knowledge of various operating and computer systems, mobile devices, and cloud and wireless networks is required, as is knowledge of hacking techniques. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 35 percent growth in the field between 2021 and 2031.

Video game designer

Video game designers develop games, which includes creating characters, storylines, and scenarios. Although video games are certainly not new, with the world moving increasingly virtual, gaming is predicted to grow exponentially: Market researchers project the global video game industry to grow by 73.8% from 2020 to 2027.

Cloud engineer

A cloud engineer is responsible for varies cloud-related activities and processes, including developing and implementing policies for the use of cloud services, managing requests for new technology, establishing a secure cloud environment, and monitoring the availability of services.

Skills required include knowledge of the Linux operating system, general programming skills, DevOps (a framework for cloud engineering), and an understanding of virtual networks and general network management functions. IT professionals with specialized cloud knowledge will be in high demand as reliance on remote access continues to rise globally.

Working in the metaverse

The metaverse promises a virtual world that mimics the real one, a place in which we can work, learn, socialize, bank—basically anything we can do in our actual lives, only using AI and virtual reality tech to engage in these tasks.

Because of this, many skills people use in their jobs currently will be translated to be performed in the metaverse: including virtual event planning, avatar clothing design, metahuman doctors, and metaverse research scientists. With the metaverse having the potential to grow up to $5 trillion in value by 2030, transforming your current career knowledge to a meta-profession is an attractive option.

New technology brings new opportunity

The breakneck changes in how we utilize tech has and will continue to bring immense changes in how we perform everyday tasks, from work to leisure to healthcare and transportation, will create demand for new skills, the transformation of currently held skills to virtual ones, and the openness to rethink our processes and habits. All of this makes way for new opportunities in the tech sector, with jobs that are predicted to have long-term growth.