Training and Development


General Assembly is a pioneer among digital training providers. We take your employees to the next level by giving them the digital skills that are most in demand in the market. All of our courses are subsidised by Switzerland's temptraining scheme at up to CHF 5,000.

Staff leasing through a collective employment agreement and temptraining – supporting you and your employees

The collective employment agreement for staff leasing came into force in Switzerland on 1 January 2012. It applies to personnel leasing companies and temporary workers throughout Switzerland and establishes social security for employees as well as flexibility for companies. The temptraining training fund was established in 2012 as part of the collective employment agreement scheme for staff leasing and aims to protect temporary workers in the labour market. If certain requirements are met, temporary workers can benefit from subsidised advanced training.

Fit for the future with General Assembly

Companies need talent with the right skills if they are to take advantage of the opportunities that new technologies offer. General Assembly's wide range of advanced training courses can help your employees to maintain and develop their employability. Under the guidance of experienced experts, employees can grow in their current roles or acquire completely new skills in the areas of technology, data, marketing or design. We would be happy to work with you to create a tailor-made programme that meets your specific needs and business goals. We follow a blended learning approach to create an effective learning experience. Our team of experts imparts knowledge through practical projects that can be applied in the workplace.

Benefits at a glance:

  • A financing option is available through temptraining, Switzerland's training fund for the temporary employment industry
  • Targeted development of the digital skills of your employees
  • Increasing employee satisfaction and loyalty
  • Promoting innovative strengths within your company

      Get in touch with us now
    Workforce Transformation
    Our integrated approach supports transformation processes in your company and contributes to their successful implementation.
    Leadership Development
    What a team needs to achieve top performance is an effective management team with a strong, clear business strategy. We can help you tap the full potential of your management team.