
CEO for One Month 2022 - Blog

Setting Expectations and Goals

The first day was all about aligning the expectations and wishes for this week with Marcel Keller. Getting clear about the situation, defining the goals and necessary measures, and lastly, continuously checking in how it is going. This is crucial for business, I learnt. What was most important during this initial week was to understand the different services the Adecco Group is offering, the various stakeholders that need to be considered, and what major challenges the Group is facing. During a branch tour, I also got to talk to consultants and got a better picture of what everyday life looks like for them, what struggles they are having and what it is that they appreciate about working for Adecco.

Another highlight of the week was my attendance as a speaker at the Skills Summit 2022 hosted by Microsoft. As an introverted person, speaking in front of strangers does not come naturally to me, however stepping out of my comfort zone made me feel incredibly proud. It is amazing what you can achieve, when you gather the courage to do something new.

Celebrating successes

This week was also special due to the Adecco Summer Night party on Saturday in Lucerne I also got to be part of, where numerous employees from Adecco Swiss wide gathered to celebrate the successes from the first half year 2022 and the one’s that are to come. It was heartwarming to see how happy everyone was to see one another - Adecco’s work culture truly is one of a kind! I am excited to go to Geneva and Lausanne next week to learn more about Badenoch + Clark and Spring and visit the Swiss Headquarter from Adecco to learn more about the processes.

Quote of the week:

‘Decide quickly, don’t be afraid to make wrong decisions, because you can only correct, once you’ve decided’.

Marcel Keller, Country Head at Adecco Switzerland

My first week in pictures

The first day in our Adecco Group Switzerland offices in Binz.
Adecco branch tour.
Skills Summit 2022.